An ergonomic applicator as optimal as possible to improve the formula efficiency. The density of the bristles has been tested to make using the Detox’n ReUse a pleasant and effective experience. Working to increase blood flow to the scalp, it promotes stronger, healthier hairs. Boosting growth and hair follicle health, this product is a must have to the... An ergonomic applicator as optimal as possible to improve the formula efficiency. The density of the...
An ergonomic applicator as optimal as possible to improve the formula efficiency. The density of the bristles has been tested to make using the MAXI SQUEEZE'N DETOX a pleasant and effective experience. Working to increase blood flow to the scalp, it promotes stronger, healthier hairs. Boosting growth and hair follicle health, this product is a must have... An ergonomic applicator as optimal as possible to improve the formula efficiency. The density of the...